sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


Waking up to your loved one sending you their wishes for the day is definitely a nice feeling.

After a few minutes of "bed conversation", she went ClinicallyInsane on me, since I mentioned to her how lucky she was for having a friend that understood her that well emotionally. So she suggested that I went there already. As in 'now'. I thought about it seriously, and I realized after a few minutes torturing myself that I shouldn't "just go" regardless of her answer, leaving everything behind just like that. That suggestion hit me like a car; the simplified truth that gets rid of all the context. My commitment is full and, if she says yes, I will prove it. But the commitment, the effort, should be balanced. As much as I want her to agree to take me back, it cannot be because of me going there. She should love me enough to ask me to go. I'll do the rest.

A great album and quite an appropriate cover

At some point I turned it around: "what about you? If I asked you to pack and come here to Spain, leaving everything (but her daughter and a few things) behind, would you do it? I'll send you the money and get you the necessary papers for the visas and all that." She mentioned the red tape of the Philippines, but she said, with a confidence that I had trouble judging, "yes". She said "I thought of this 2 years ago, and I haven't changed my mind."

But if that were true, why hasn't she said yes already?

Questions are questions, and actions are actions; both Nemesis and I, for different reasons, have trouble doing some of the latter.

We both need some time to get our minds around certain things, and we both face them in very different ways. We are very alike, and that gives me hope: we both feel the same.

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