domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

I beg your pardon?

Lately I've been trying to say what's going on with me. Basically because I've spent way too long without expressing my (for lack of a better word) feelings, and it has all exploded in my very face. I have been saying it to my friends and family (the latter were shocked) and, on a different level, I've been saying stuff in facebook, Twitter, and here.

Yesterday I woke up early in the morning and posted the following on Facebook:

Ed just awoke from a dream where he had gone back to the Philippines.

Only to find this post today:

The Viking just awoke from a dream where it was time for pathetic people to stop being pathetic, pull themselves together and move on already.

Excuse me?!!! I think you're a decent guy and all; you put up with my shit that night, and I truly appreciated that. But who the hell do you think you are calling me "pathetic"? From what I know, YOU went back to the Philippines without even a place to stay, YOU crashed at Nemesis' for the longest time although she told you she needed the space and didn't want you there, YOU were about to move out but didn't when I was there because YOU felt afraid that she might leave you for this "pathetic" guy YOU're obviously still afraid of.

Sorry for trying to do the right thing and not be like you: carelessly fucking everything that moves, carelessly spreading your diseases to the people I love, carelessly moving to a different country without even planning what you will do there.

That post was NOT cool. It didn't even affect you. It didn't even say anything about Nemesis, or you. I think you've shown how insecure you are about me and Nemesis with that little post.

One of the big things that is bugging me about going back is you, Viking. I picture myself in your position and I feel really bad. But guess what? That BS you pulled there is slowly changing my mind about that. I can give Nemesis a better life than you could. And if she hasn't moved on, maybe it's for a reason. And if I haven't moved on, maybe it's for a reason. Maybe YOU should deal with that.

Who's the pathetic one? The one who lost the girl and is struggling to determine if he can retrace his steps so he can be happy, or the guy who has that girl right now and STILL feels so scared about the other guy that has to post insensitive comments on facebook to reassure himself?

When you fell for her, she wanted you to fall so she could break your heart afterwards, because of what you had done to her. That was her plan. After reading your post... I kinda want her plan to come true, and I sure would be glad as hell to help.

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