viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010


It's funny how minds work.

I know I love Nemesis. And yet, sometimes I hear voices in my head (not literally guys, don't worry) that tell me things such as:

- This is way too painful. Just forget about it; you know you can be happy without her.
- Love should be easy; if this isn't, it's not love.
- Are you really sure you want to drop everything just for a girl? Isn't that a bit... insane?
- Is that who you want to be? An irresponsible, impulsive, exposed guy that just leaves everybody for a girl that could break you like a toothpick?

...and many, many more. I wipe those thoughts out with one simple statement: I know I love her, and I won't be happy if I don't try being with her. Don't you Vampires get in the way of my happiness, motherf***ers!

Since I'm FINALLY saying what I feel, I gotta say this: I feel weird. I feel weird saying things like "I love you", or "no, I don't really consider you my friend; you're nice and all, but..." Those things bother me. It takes an effort to say what you feel. I'm overcoming that effort, since the problem was mine.

But Nemesis has never said "I love you too". Does that mean that she doesn't? Or just that she doesn't know? Someone said today "If you don't know, then it's not love". Do any of you 2 readers think that's true?

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